Teacher: Prof.G.F. Rossi

Overall organization of computer systems: hardware, system software, application programs - Computer architecture: information representation, main hardware components, machine language, instruction execution cycle - Operating systems: main features and overall organization, processor management (processes), memory management (paging, virtual memory), file system, operations on files, user interface (textual vs. graphical); case studies: Windows, MacOS, Linux - Computer networks: phisical organization, protocols (ISO/OSI hierarchy), local area networks, Internet, WWW, electronic mail. - Text processing: editing, formatting, case studies (WORD, html) - Spreadsheets: motivations, basic features, case study (EXCEL). -  Main and secondary memory. Data bases: motivations, the relational model, data description and manipulation language (SQL).

Literature/Course material:

Ceri S., Mandrioli D., Sbattella L.: Informatica arte e mestiere, McGraw-Hill, 1999. (2nd Edition),McGRAW-HILL, 1999.

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