Set-based program analysis
using CLP(SET)

Groundness analysis of logic programs

This page contains information to load and run a simple Prolog program ('') using {log}, whose aim is to provide a simple tool for testing the set-based groundness analysis technique for logic programs described here.

The analyzer uses the following files, which therefore must be loaded in the same directory where the analyzer is:

To run the program:
  1. download  '' and all files listed above and store them in the same directory;
  2. run SICStus Prolog and issue the goal 'consult('')';
  3. issue the goal 'analyze(n)' where 'n' is the number of the sample Prolog program in 'test_programs.txt' you want to analyze;
  4. give the name P of the predicate and the number of  the argument of P you  want to analyze, as requested by the analyzer.

Go to the {log} Home page.